Clinical Psychologist -
Please Note
* no video, voice, or recording of sessions is permitted throughout your access to telehealth services through this practice unless explicitly discussed, as your psychologist is unable protect your confidentiality with recorded data.
Telehealth is the process of utilising confidential end-to-end encrypted video conferencing and or phone sessions to facilitate access to health services, in this instance Psychological support. Following the Covid-19 pandemic telehealth in Australia has become a permanent option for accessing Medicare rebated health supports (for those that are eligible) and continues to be enormously beneficial and convenient for those accessing supports privately funded.
Research has shown that telehealth consultations can be just as effective as face to face sessions for clients across presentations and often offers a greater sense of flexibility, broader access, health safety (for those who are immunocompromised, medically unwell, currently in isolation or quarantine), and helps to limit barriers to accessing services. In some circumstances telehealth may not be considered appropriate for you, in these circumstances your psychologist will discuss this with you.
Preparing for your telehealth session
There are a number of things you can do to prepare for your telehealth sessions, remember seeing a psychologist through telehealth is the same as accessing any other health service, with specific time allocations. If you are late to your appointment, this may limit the time available to you for this session and so it is important that you are ready before your session.
The Australian Psychological Society has developed a valuable information tool for people considering telehealth, it is recommended you give yourself some time before your initial session to read through this (attached below) and to consider where you may like to conduct your session, and to make sure that your technology is ready to go.